㽶ֱstaff graduate from Leadership Excellence for Accomplished Professionals program
Contact: Jim Laird
STARKVILLE, Miss.--Thirteen Mississippi State staff members are new graduates of the university’s Leadership Excellence for Accomplished Professionals program for 2015-2016.
LEAP’s goals and purpose include the advancement of knowledge, enhancement of leadership skills, and direct practical work application for selected employees.
During the four-month intensive program, participants met with campus and community leaders in various areas to explore and develop their leadership skills to more effectively lead MSU’s efforts. Conflict resolution and decision-making, managing change, effective team building and employee performance management were among session topics.
“The LEAP program is designed to help participants reach the next level of leadership and help move Mississippi State forward,” said Darrell Easley, learning and development manager for MSU’s human resources management department.
Mississippi State President Mark E. Keenum and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Julia Hodges, who has been named interim provost and executive vice president, were speakers for the recent graduation.
Chosen through a competitive nomination and selection process, this year’s LEAP 2015-2016 graduates are:
—Jana Berkery, director of annual giving, 㽶ֱFoundation.
—Doug Carpenter, tax compliance officer, Controller and Treasurer.
—Nicole Cobb, compliance administrator, Research Compliance.
—Shonda Cumberland, business manager I, Computer Science and Engineering.
—Jacob Forrester, construction administrator, Planning, Design and Construction Administration.
—Trey Harrison, outdoor adventures coordinator, Recreational Sports.
—Scott Kolle, senior research associate, Research and Curriculum Unit.
—Bart Prather, associate director, Campus Landscape, Facilities Management Administration.
—Jordan Ramsey, associate director, Internal Audit.
—Jodi Roberts, assistant director/IRB officer, Research Compliance.
—Anne Skinner, benefits manager, Human Resources Management.
—Hal Teasler, videographic coordinator, University Television Center.
—Amelia Treptow, assistant director, Center for Student Activities.
For additional information about LEAP, contact Easley at deasley@hrm.msstate.edu or 662-325-2203.
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