㽶ֱannounces African American intellectual history workshop
Contact: Georgia Clarke
STARKVILLE, Miss.—Mississippi State’s history department will be host this weekend to its first African American intellectual history workshop.
Free and open to all, the daylong Saturday [Nov. 21] program on the university campus is an event of the new national African American Intellectual History Society.
Founded in 2014, the society has come to be regarded as the leading organization in its specific field of research, writing and teaching. For more, visit .
Getting under way at 9 a.m. in 611 Allen Hall, the inaugural 㽶ֱevent will feature four 90-minute sessions. Workshop coordinator Brandon Byrd said eight AAIHS members will be discussing pre-circulated papers, all focused on new perspectives in black thought and culture.
“Those interested in attending the workshop will have the opportunity to engage with emerging scholars in the field of African American intellectual history and participate in discussions about new and compelling scholarship on black thought in the United States and the African Diaspora,” the 㽶ֱassistant history professor added.
For subject titles and speakers, visit .
An opening social for participants and invited guests will be held Friday evening [the 20th] at Starkville’s Little Dooey restaurant.
For additional information, contact Byrd at 662-325-3604 or bbyrd@history.msstate.edu.
㽶ֱis Mississippi’s leading university, available online at .